Anna von Hafenbrädl Photography Logo

“A good photo is a photo
that you look at for more than a second.”

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Business Photos outside

Business Photography

Business Portrait Homepage Fotos in schwarz weiß vor einem Stadl Fotograf

The shooting for the portraits was completely under the motto “woman power” – because the dear Sonja is about to take the step into self-employment.

The photo shoot was completely under the motto “woman power” – because the dear Sonja is about to take the step into self-employment. From summer we will have a new, super dear, sympathetic pre- and post-natal midwife in the district of Germering.

I can so sympathize with her, how the exciting and thrilling time before the “start” feels – because I myself stood in exactly the same place a few years ago.

She needed new portrait photos of herself for her website – and that’s how we met. After a short preliminary talk about what she had in mind, we went out into nature and started photographing. In icy sub-zero temperatures, she has held out quite bravely – but you can see that for yourself in the photos.

Especially great I found the accessory what she has brought to photograph: Her boyfriend gave her a midwife book from 1786 for her birthday. I find it super great to include such items in a photo shoot – and I think that is an incredibly beautiful companion for start in her independence.

As a self-employed photographer, I wish all the best on this path – but I’m sure that her decision will be the right one and will make many future parents happy.
And who knows: Maybe there will be one or the other baby, which I can meet afterwards at a baby photo shoot.

You would also like to book your personal photo shoot or have questions how your photo experience could look like? Get in touch without any obligation and let’s talk.

Let's talk.

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