Anna von Hafenbrädl Photography Logo

“A good photo is a photo
that you look at for more than a second.”

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Business Photography.

Hochwertige und authentische Businessfotos für euren professionellen Auftritt nach außen

Becoming visible – modern and authentic

“With her professionalism, eye for detail, personable and motivating nature, our business shoot together was an absolute success!”

At a time when first impressions are often made online, professional business photos are of crucial importance. Your company appearance or your application should convince at first sight and create trust. I capture the energy and passion you put into your business or career in vivid and authentic business photos.

The first impression counts

As your photographer for high-quality business photos, I specialize in capturing your professional identity in images. Whether for your website, social media, or print media, a cohesive overall concept and professional first impression are crucial to standing out in today’s competitive world.

High-quality and authentic business photos

Whether in the office, in front of a project background or in a feature about your work – my pictures tell your story. This is how you can gain the trust of your clients and partners and pave the way for new opportunities.

Your story deserves to be told in images that inspire and convince.

Your Business Photos.
Hochwertige Businessfotos für die Homepage - Sammys Berliner DonutsBesitzer Pizzeria - Business Portrait - Foto für die Homepage - La Ruota WeilheimKundengespräch - Fotos von einer Geschäftssituation
Mitarbeiterfotos in einer Kanzlei in München

Dear Words from my Customers

Business Photos that support my Vision


As a family coach, I connect with my clients through my Facebook group. With Anna I get easily and with a lot of fun exactly the business photos that support my posts on my social media channels and he homepage ideally, boost and underline my message!

An absolute Success


I highly recommend Anna! With her professionalism, her eye for detail, her sympathetic and motivating manner, our joint business shooting was an absolute success! I felt comfortable and the results are really something to behold. Thank you again, dear Anna, and I look forward to seeing you again!

Businessportaits - Because you are the Center of Attention

Whether it’s for a job application, website, image brochure or press work, there’s often more to a photo than your face.

When it comes to your business portraits, you often already have a clear idea of how you want to appear: friendly, likeable, confident and motivated. But also not too sweet or nice, and by no means arrogant. Sometimes it is these fine nuances that make the difference.

You are the center of attention

Business portraits are about showing you at your best, whether you’re a businessperson or an artist. Together we capture your uniqueness, and it doesn’t matter who you are.

The right location for your business photos

Business portraits are more than just shots in front of a plain white wall in a photo studio. They are an expression of your personality and professional identity.

That’s why we create high-quality business portraits at locations that have a special meaning for you. Whether that’s your favorite place or one of my selected locations for image photos, we create photos that are authentic and appealing.

Your business portraits should not only show how you look, but who you really are.

Make an appointment.
Homepages und Fotos aus einer Hand - professionelles Webdesign - Euer Rundum Sorglos Paket - Weilheim / Garmisch / München / Starnberg

Homepage and Photos – the perfect Combination from One Professional Partner

Your Website

Discover the comprehensive carefree package for your homepage. In cooperation with AvH Creative Design, my husband’s web agency and I offer not only high-quality web design, but also first-class photos for your homepage.

Our well-coordinated team not only guarantees quality, but also smooth cooperation. With years of experience in design, web shops and SEO marketing, we not only create appealing websites, but also perfectly coordinated visual content.

Everything from a single source means maximum efficiency and minimal coordination work for you. And best of all, you can benefit from special conditions if you book your website and photos together.

The Agency.Let's Talk.

Your photos for Social Media

Whether Instagram, Facebook, Xing or LinkedIn – a successful appearance on social media only works together with professional photos.

My images catch the attention of users and stay in the user’s mind. Above all, it is important that the photos do not look too “posed”, so that the impression of a professional advertisement would quickly arise. They have to appeal and look like they are taken from life.

Photo series – Consistent Social Media Content

I create individual, professional photo series for you to use in social media. Dynamic and authentic images appeal to potential customers in social media: Only those who stand out at first glance are convincing on the fast-moving platforms.

Become Visible.
Hochwertige Produktfotos mit Deko - Sammys Berliner DonutsProduktfotos von Schmuck mit Dekoration - Goldschmied in WeilheimHochwertige Produktfotos von Naturkosmetik aus München

Authentic Product Photos

My product photos put your product and your passion in the center – so that the spark to the customer jumps over.

Mostly the photos of products are used on a website or for online advertising. Especially in the area of web design, it is incredibly important that all photos are from a single source.

That’s why I like to work in this area with my husband, who among other things creates websites.

Professional Product Photos for your Homepage

With us you get everything from one source – the professional website with the right pictures. It is not only about photos of you personally, but also about product photos, photos of your company, the studio or even restaurant.

Your Business Photos for Marketing

And what is true for websites is of course also true for other presentations, such as advertising brochures, flyers or advertising photos. You can use the product photos everywhere to present your company or the company image to the outside.

Get a quote.
Einzigartige Teamfotos - Mitarbeiter bei einer Besprechung - Schreibtisch von oben

Your Questions

Information around your Business Photos

You have questions about your business portraits, company portraits and product photos?

Do you also take job application photos?

I’ll be happy to take high-quality business photos for you that will make you stand out from the crowd. I know some very good photo locations, for example in Weilheim, where we can make such unique business portraits.

How do you stage my product?

If you wish, I can provide you and your product photos with suitable decoration, so that the pictures express your style and bring across the spirit behind them.

Do you also make websites?

My husband is responsible for this. Together we have already implemented some projects, where we first set up the design together. Then I took the photos – and he created the homepage. So you get an all-round carefree package from us.

Can we also book an image video?

Of course. Besides websites, my husband also makes image videos together with me or accompanies your event as a videographer. So we can make you visible not only with business photos, but also in moving pictures.

Do you also accompany business events?

I will gladly take over the photographic documentation of your business event. Through my years of experience in the field of business photography, I know how to unobtrusively accompany you at your event and professionally capture the important moments.

Text me.

Business Photo Shoots

Mitarbeiterfotos bei der Arbeit für die Mitarbeitergewinnung

Photos for the internet and social media

Business Photography

It is crucial for you and your company to show your attractiveness as an employer through meaningful business photos and to attract and retain talent in the long term.

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Firmenportrait - Mitarbeiterfotos bei der Arbeit

Lifestyle Product Photos and Website Content

Business Photography

Für Sammy haben wir für ihre Homepage und den Social Media Auftritt eine exklusive Fotoreportage von ihren Donuts und der Firma in Berlin gemacht.

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Hochwertige, mit euch abgestimmte Businessportraits für euren professionellen Auftritt im Netz

High-quality and clean Business Portraits

Business Photography

In my photo studio, we have endless possibilities for high-quality and modern business photos that express your personality and professionalism.

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Kundengespräch - Fotos von einer Geschäftssituation

Business photos of a doula

Business Photography

I was absolutely happy when the lovely Karwendel doula Pia wrote to me that she would like to have photos for her website and social media content.

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Authentische Businessfotos beim Steuerberater

Business photos for the new website

Business Photography

For the tax office Grimm in Dietramszell I was asked to take new business photos of their team and for their new website.

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Team sitzt bei einem Meeting - Imagekampagne - Businessfotos München

Company portrait and image film

Business Photography

For the company Veralice I had the opportunity to take not only great photos together with my husband. Together we also had the opportunity to shoot an image film with the employees.

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Frau spielt Klavier - Fotograf Weilheim

Business portraits for the website

Business Photography

Dear Julia Fabel is a piano teacher in Weilheim and needed special business photos for her new homepage that authentically reflect her and her work.

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Pizza - Fotos von Essen für die Speisekarte - Fotograf Weilheim

Photos for the new website

Business Photography

Our restaurants in particular have been hit hard by the Corona period. That is why it is important to have an up-to-date homepage for the menu and orders.

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Antonia Neumayer - Foto für Buchcover - Autor - Business Portrait

Authors’ portraits

Business Photography

Wow – my photo in a book. Some time ago I had the great honor to take portrait photos of this great young author Antonia Neumayer.

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Ausgefallene Produktfotos Eheringe mit Deko

Product Photos and Business Portraits

Business Photography

Together with my husband we have designed a new homepage with new photos for the dear Andrea Haas from the Edelmetallschmiede Aurum.

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Business Portrait Homepage Fotos in schwarz weiß vor einem Stadl Fotograf

Business Photos outside

Business Photography

The shooting for the portraits was completely under the motto “woman power” – because the dear Sonja is about to take the step into self-employment.

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Wolfgang Weigler - Chef beim einzigartigen Caterer Whowantsit vom Starnberger See

Event photos at Lake Starnberg

Business Photography

Events at Gut Staltach with Wolfgang Weigler and his unique catering by Whowantsit are always a very special experience…

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