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“A good photo is a photo
that you look at for more than a second.”

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Boudoir Photography

Sensual & Seductive

“I felt so comfortable and simply enjoyed the time. The photo shoot was an experience where I was able to just let go and discover a whole new side to myself. It was amazing, Anna.”

In a world that is often characterized by unrealistic beauty ideals, I create a space in which you can simply be yourself.

Your authenticity is the focus of attention

No matter what dress size, dents in your skin or supposed flaws you think you have, they make you unique and special. My boudoir photo shoot is not about conforming to a standard, but about celebrating your individuality and beauty. Of course, standing in front of the camera in your underwear and being very revealing is not something you do every day – but believe me: you can rely on me completely.

An experience for you

A boudoir photo shoot is more than just capturing images – it’s an experience that can help you feel comfortable in your own skin. It shows you how great you are. Leave societal expectations behind and discover a new level of self-acceptance.

Feel good in your own skin

We create an atmosphere in which you feel comfortable and safe. It’s not just about outer beauty, but also about showing the beauty in your inner strength and self-love. Discover your femininity in a flattering and seductive way.

On a journey of discovery together

Let’s go on a journey together to create sexy and seductive photos. It’s not just about the appearance, but also about the emotions and authenticity that you will radiate in every picture.

Preserve private intimacy

The resulting photos can be something very personal – just for you or for your loved one. Enjoy a wonderful time for yourself and enjoy the photos – just be yourself.

Your beauty, your style

My boudoir photo shoot is all about showing your true beauty, away from the usual beauty standards. It’s a moment of self-love and self-acceptance that encourages you to be proudly yourself.

Your Boudoir Experience
Verführerische und intime Boudoir Fotos in meinem Fotostudio in WeilheimAuthentische und echte Fotos in Unterwäsche von euch - BoudoirfotografEinmalige Fotos in Unterwäsche | Boudoir Fotos in Weilheim

Be yourself and discover your individuality

“I would never have thought that there could be such beautiful photos of me. I still can’t believe it – I’m in love with these pictures.”

Your boudoir photo shoot is about capturing the true essence of your personality. It’s a space for authenticity where you can just be yourself.

Reward yourself with intimate and seductive photos of yourself

Why not celebrate your own beauty? A boudoir photo shoot is a wonderful way to reward yourself and capture your sensual side in a unique way. Each picture tells a story of your inner strength and self-love.

Be amazed at what’s inside you

Sometimes the deep facets of our personality surprise us. A boudoir photo shoot can not only emphasize external beauty, but also bring out the hidden sides of you. Let yourself be surprised by the pictures and realize what you are made of.

Find yourself and be proud of your body

It’s not just about the body; it’s about how you feel in your own skin. A boudoir photo shoot can be a journey to self-acceptance and pride. Find yourself, appreciate your body and show it off with pride.

Self-discovery and self-love

A boudoir photo shoot is more than just taking pictures. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Allow yourself to be proud of what makes you unique and capture these moments for eternity.

Your Photo Shoot.
Traumhafte Erinnerungen | Momente für dich | Sei du selbst - FotoshootingVerführerische Fotos als besonderes Geschenk für den MannIntimes Boudoir Fotoshooting in Weilheim

Dear Words of my Clients

Unique photos


Thank you so much for this great morning and the unique experience. I’ve been so emotional since I saw the pictures and have been crying because it’s something very special for me and will be for my husband too. I had a lot of fun and the best thing was that so quickly, actually immediately, I simply had no more hesitation about showing myself to you like this.

Boudoir Fotoshooting in der Nähe vom Starnberger See in einem wundervollen Fotostudio, in dem ihr rein kommt und euch direkt wohlfühlen könntBoudouir Fotos Fotograf Weilheim
Boudoirfotografie aus Weilheim - Frau mit Händen in den Haaren auf einem Bett

Die Fotografie ist die perfekte Möglichkeit, Augenblicke und Geschichten für euch unvergesslich zu machen.

Meine Art der Fotografie

“Wir konnten uns garnicht entscheiden, ob wir in der Natur oder in ihrem Fotostudio fotografieren sollten – da haben wir einfach beides gemacht.”

Ob in der Natur, meinem Wohlfühlatelier in Weilheim oder bei euch daheim – lasst uns eure Geschichte erzählen.

Es sind die besonderen Momente, wenn ihr euch nach einiger Zeit eure Fotos anschaut und euch an die Augenblicke und die Gefühle zurück erinnert, die ihr bei eurem Fotoshooting genau in dem Moment gespürt habt.

Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob ihr in Weilheim, Tutzing, Murnau oder rund um den Starnberger See oder in den Bergen in Garmisch euren Herzensort habt – ich komme super gerne zu euch, um eure Erinnerungen mit wundervollen Bildern festzuhalten. 

Ich liebe es, mit euren Kindern beim Fotooshooting Quatsch zu machen. Zusammen haben wir Spaß haben, lachen und weinen vor Freude – und genau diese Emotionen halte ich als Fotograf für immer fest.

Dieses Fotoshooting-Erlebnis und die besonderen Momente mit natürlichen und ungestellten Fotos werdet ihr immer in Erinnerung behalten.

Euer Fotoshooting.
Finde zu dir selbst in deinem Boudoir Fotoshooting Erlebnis in Weilheim

Eure Fragen

Informationen rund um eure Boudoir Fotos

Hier findet ihr die ersten Fragen und Antworten rund um euer ganz besonderes Boudoir-Fotoshooting

What do we do in bad weather?

Basically, a few raindrops should not stop us from a family shoot. You know how much fun our kids have jumping in puddles – and such laughter is absolutely worth its weight in gold on the photos. But if it’s raining cats and dogs, we’ll find a new date for you.

Where can we take family photos?

Of course we can take family photos wherever you feel comfortable – whether in Munich, Starnberg, Murnau or Garmisch.
Everywhere there are beautiful spots like a forest, a river or even a lake. Do you have a favorite place? I, too, am always happy to get to know new places.

How much time do we have to plan for our family photos?

Because of me, I could do family shoots like this for hours. It’s important to me that we all laugh together and have fun. So you don’t even notice how fast the time flies. But usually such a photo shoot goes between one and one and a half hours – depending on how long your children join in.

Contact me.

Special Moments

Selbstliebe Fotoshooting - deine persönlichen Momente

Self-esteem photo shoot: a journey to yourself

Boudoir Photography

Discover your beauty and uniqueness with a self-esteem photo shoot. Authentic pictures that make you shine – just the way you are.

Verträumter Blick beim Fotoshooting

Exceptional boudoir photos

Boudoir Photography

Exclusive boudoir photos in our photo studio… Experience unforgettable moments, celebrate self-love and surprise your partner with unique pictures.

Boudoir Fotos auf einem Fell in schwarz weiß in meinem Fotostudio in Weilheim

Boudoir – Your time is now

Boudoir Photography

Discover your individuality in the here and now! No more excuses for your boudoir photo shoot, because every moment counts. Be proud of yourself and your beauty.

Geschmackvolle und ästhetische Fotos in Unterwäsche ein meinem Fotostudio

Your Boudoir Photo Shoot

Boudoir Photography

Discover your sensuality during a boudoir photo shoot. Are you not entirely certain if this is something for you? Let me tell you something about such a photo shoot…

Boudoirfotografie aus Weilheim - Frau mit Händen in den Haaren auf einem Bett

Seductive Boudoir Photo Shoot

Boudoir Photography

A boudoir shoot: these are sensual, body-hugging pictures that were meant as a gift. Why not also make your loved ones a surprise with wonderful photos of you.

Sinnliche Boudouir Fotos in Unterwäsche auf dem Bett in schwarz weiß

Sensual Boudoir Photo Shoot

Boudoir Photography

Whether it’s for yourself, your boyfriend or future husband, the decision of how much skin you want to show at the boudoir shoot is completely up to you.