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Henri Cartier-Bresson

Free wedding ceremony in nature

Wedding Photos

Bräutigam umarmt seine Braut bei der freien Trauung im Garten

Have you ever thought about throwing everything “traditional” overboard at your wedding? Then a free wedding ceremony in nature is just the right thing.

This wedding was one of my most beautiful weddings last year. The reason is that it was just completely real and authentic. Judith and Christoph planned and celebrated the wedding with a free wedding ceremony exactly as they wanted and imagined it themselves. As a bride and groom, they simply did not adhere to any constraints or customs that their families might have expected of them.

Since the place of their hearts is the forest, we of course went there for the wedding photos. We chose a beautiful spot near Lake Starnberg with mossy ground – and the two of them were able to get perfectly into their wedding pictures in their favorite environment. Sometimes this is a bit more difficult, especially for the men – but since they both felt so comfortable and enjoyed the moment, these wonderful memories were created.

Judith and Christoph are also passionate mushroom pickers and can therefore often be found in the forest. It was all the nicer for all of us when the two of them “stumbled” across two wonderful porcini mushrooms by chance. These we have of course taken and perfectly used for beautiful ring photos.

From the wedding photo shoot we went on to the free wedding ceremony in the old Mercedes, which was already the wedding car for the grandparents. The emotional ceremony was held by the wedding speaker Thorsten Friedrich of “das kontor” and has moved many of the guests to tears.

All I can say about this is: If you have the opportunity to get married with a free wedding ceremony, then do it. As a wedding photographer, I see again and again that in such ceremonies you can incorporate your complete personality into the wedding ceremony, which often becomes much more emotional.

The entire day was just absolutely relaxed and incredibly beautiful – characterized by a looseness that I don’t always get to experience as a guest or even as a photographer of a wedding.

Bride and groom actually wanted to leave all “classic” wedding traditions to the side – even a wedding dance was not planned. I thought it was all the more beautiful when the two of them secretly (so that only a few guests noticed) enjoyed their very own and personal wedding dance.

The evening ended with a great party and a campfire… I just love it when weddings are so real and the free wedding ceremony reflects the personality of the bride and groom. Because that’s how you’re supposed to get married – it’s your day and not the day of your guests.

You would also like to book your personal photo shoot or have questions how your photo experience could look like? Get in touch without any obligation and let’s talk.

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